A meal in Italy often consists of two dishes, one special pastries Kosnav famous pasta and the other contains a meat or chicken or fish or seafood, and there is no complexity in their preparation, but is characterized by simplicity.
And months of meals is famous for its Italian pasta Bosnavha like pasta spaghetti and pasta for lasagna and pasta cannelloni and Penne and Spaghetti Alvioshina that are made cream chicken or cream Mushrooms are also put pieces of chicken out and pizza famous types of multi-such as chicken pizza and Pizza Pizza and vegetables, meat and seafood and pizza as well as the authorities and appetizers that are manufactured in a distinctive way and vegetable soup and shrimp with vegetables and chicken with lemon and Fried scallops and pesto sauce and Bolognese sauce and Alersato and Italian rice is distinctive.
Italy also characterized Bparwbadtha such as Italian coffee and cappuccino types Kalosebreso and tea latte and cocktails that are made of multiple kinds of fruits and yogurt drink.